5 Reasons To Open Your Pool…Now!

Listen closely. You can almost hear the call and response of the summer’s first game of Marco Polo. Can you hear the competitive chatter over the first round of water volleyball? Pool season is just around the corner, and it’s time to start prepping. What are you waiting on? The sooner that you take care of a bit of dirty work, the sooner you will be perfecting your backstroke.


1. Extend The Swim

For Midwest residents, the opportunity to enjoy an above ground pool is a seasonal affair. Few experiences prove more frustrating than enviously watching the neighbors splash and swim while the joys of your own pool await. Maximize the value of your backyard oasis by kicking off party season as soon as possible. Start circulating your water, working towards the ideal chemical balance, and testing all pool accessories and component parts for proper functionality.

2. Prevent Algae

As we pointed out in our recent post on algae prevention, the best way to solve an algae problem is to prevent an algae problem. Enjoy a headache-free pool season by replacing filters, maintaining a proper pH balance, and shocking the water of your above ground pool with regularity. Algae is easy to avoid by adhering to a simple, low-maintenance plan. Start early and stay consistent.

3. Accessorize, Accessorize, Accessorize

Whether your above ground pool is intended as a quiet sanctuary or an outlet for the kids’ boundless summer energy, there is likely a product or accessory to complete the vision. We bring more than 15 years of experience in personalizing pools to cater to the individual needs of countless clients. If you have dreamt it, we have likely made it a reality for someone along the way. Spring is the perfect time to take inventory of your toys and poolside bells and whistles. Did Fido take a bite out of your favorite raft over winter? Maybe it’s time to get the pup his own personal lounger. Whether you just want to replace an old favorite or transform your above ground pool into the ultimate summer party destination, Kayak Pools Midwest has a solution.

4. Check For Leaks & Repairs

Winter was a long, arduous affair for Midwesterners this year. While this experience will only underscore the comfort that a summer by the pool provides, it also increases the potential for damage. If you downloaded and followed our simple maintenance guide, chances are you have no reason to fret. Even so, it’s always important to begin each season with a comprehensive inspection of your pool and its surrounding structure.

Spring is also the best time to take care of any necessary landscaping around the pool area. Whether you’re clearing potential undergrowth from creating structural problems or transforming your backyard into a tropical paradise, it’s best to start now. From the proper removal and storage of your winter cover to a step-by-step guide to re-attaching your filtration system, we have you covered. It pays to be thorough at the beginning and end of each pool season, so that the time in between is spent with your feet up in the lap of luxury!

5. Prep Your Pool Ahead Of Warm Weather

We wish that the kickoff of pool season was as simple as peeling back the cover and diving in, but that simply is not the case. That isn’t to say opening your above ground pool is an exhaustive affair, but it does take a little time before you can dive in for the first time. Get an early jump on opening your pool, so that the water is ready for use at the first sign of warm weather.