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Backyard Pools vs. Public Pools: Keeping Clean

You have likely noticed that many water parks, hotels and other public pools advise that swimmers shower before entering the water. But do you ever follow through with the suggestion? Is this extreme; or should you shower at home as well?

Controlling the cleanliness of your backyard pool is much easier than wondering about a public pool.

Should You Shower Before Swimming At Home?


It’s generally safe to say that swimming at home in your above-ground pool is safer (and cleaner!) than swimming at a public one – no crowds means less contamination.

Nonetheless, it is still important to frequently check diapers and encourage potty breaks with young children. Impurities in any pool will reduce the effectiveness of chlorine in destroying germs.

Also, be sure to keep an eye on chemical balance – a few times a week should be fine unless you’ve been hosting large groups or have been experiencing lots of rain. An unbalanced pH level will also contribute to the ineffectiveness of chlorine.

Ultimately, showering pre-swim will help keep your backyard pool extra clean–it’s not essential, but not a bad habit to follow. Fortunately, Kayak Pools Midwest’s advanced filtration system takes care of that already. A pre-swim shower will only help, but know that the dual drainage and surface skimmer featured in Kayak pools will keep your water sparkling, safe, and fun.

Should You Shower Before Swimming in a Public Pool, Water Park, etc.?

The truth is, chlorine alone cannot instantly kill all germs that enter the pool. Add to the equation hundreds, or even thousands, of people of all ages constantly getting in and out of the pool; all the cosmetics, lotions, sunscreens and other bodily substances washing off their skin; and an easy-to-overlook-on-a-busy-day chemical balance, and you have the perfect breeding grounds for recreational water illness (or RWI).

Public swimming pool operators don’t ask their patrons to shower before entering to burden swimmers, they do it to look after them. When bodily substances enter the water they use up chlorine that would otherwise be eradicating germs.

On a busy day, a public pool’s chemical balance should be checked a minimum of two times. However, unfortunately this is not always the case. So, though adults can also contribute to pool contamination, it’s even more important to stay diligent with children. Take restroom breaks about once an hour, and check diapers more frequently.

Ingesting contaminated water, or sometimes simply coming into contact with it, can cause many problems – from swimmer’s ear to gastrointestinal illnesses. So, we recommend that swimmer’s do their part when swimming in public. Rinse off – preferably with soap – entirely before getting in the pool, including hair, or contribute to putting your health (and others’) at risk.

When it comes to pools, you can see that your own backyard pool is much easier to keep pristine than a busy public pool. If you’re tired of the crowds, water temperatures, and lack of sanitation at your local swimming hole, it’s time to contact Kayak today for more information on a pool of your own.