Contest Entry Disclaimer

By participating in this contest, you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Content Usage: You grant Kayak Pools Midwest an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, publish, distribute, and display any content you submit as part of the contest entry, including but not limited to photos, videos, and written materials, in any and all media formats and through any media channels, for advertising, marketing, promotional purposes, and any other lawful purposes, without further notice, review, consent, compensation, or remuneration.
  2. Promotional Communications: You consent to being contacted by Kayak Pools Midwest regarding future promotional opportunities and other marketing communications. You acknowledge that your participation constitutes permission for Kayak Pools Midwest to use your contact information for these purposes. You will have the opportunity to opt-out of receiving such communications at any time.
  3. Representation and Warranty: You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to use and authorize Kayak Pools Midwest to use all intellectual property rights in and to any content submitted, and to enable inclusion and use thereof as contemplated by the contest and these terms.
  4. Release of Liability: You agree to release and hold harmless Kayak Pools Midwest from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from Kayak Pools Midwest’s use of the content as authorized under these terms.

By submitting your entry to the contest, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these terms.