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Happy Feet, Happy Life: Options for Better Pool Patio Material

A backyard pool is one of the best ways to escape the summer sun, but poorly planned patio material can absorb heat and be hard on the bare feet of pool-goers. Adding shade or laying down towels can only do so much. At some point, you should consider replacing your patio material. Luckily, there are many reasonable options for your patio that can keep your feet cool while adding style to your pool area.


Concrete is a great option for contemporary homes due to its consistent coloring and geometrical structure. Maintenance and upkeep are relatively simple but should be done by a professional to maintain proper structural integrity. Concrete is available in many color options. The lighter the color, the more barefoot-friendly it will be. Stamped concrete can make for a more interesting look with its nature-inspired patterns, but some styles are slippery and stain matching is difficult if later additions are made.pool patio material


Brick is a durable, environmentally-friendly choice for the pool patio. The traditional style of red brick can be built to match existing brick homes or add a classic touch to newer homes. Other colors of brick are also available, allowing for the option to mix and match shades on your patio layout. Cool, wet bricks are prime areas for moss to grow, which can make for a slippery surface if not maintained regularly.

Natural Stone

Because no two stones are exactly alike, a natural stone patio can create a unique look that blends in with the natural beauty of your backyard. Using uneven stone pieces and leaving room between them for ground cover to grow can add to the natural aesthetic. Stone can be expensive, especially if imported, so finding locally sourced stone is a great way to cut down on costs without sacrificing your desired look. Stone is a long-lasting option and can easily be replaced in small bits if matching is not an issue. Some maintenance is required for the upkeep of a stone patio, including seasonal sealing and re-grouting after extreme temperature fluctuations.


Wood decking is another classic look for the backyard patio to add an element of warmth. The price varies depending on the type of wood selected. With real wood, the intricate natural designs in the grain can make for a beautiful addition to the poolside. To maintain wood patios, sanding and sealing are a must. Wood that is not sanded regularly can start to splinter, leading to painful steps for barefoot swimmers. Without sealing, the wood cannot withstand rain or splashes from the pool. Composite wood, a combination of plastic and wood fibers, is a cheaper, splinter-resistant alternative to real wood, although some styles can be hotter on the feet.

Choose from one of these tried and true patio options to keep your feet happy in the summer heat. Consider the style of your home, your budget for the project and how much work you are willing to put in to maintain your patio when deciding the material that is best for you. Your guests will love the stylish upgrade, and your feet will thank you!