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Manage and Maintain Your Above Ground Pool from Your Pocket – Best Pool Apps

“There’s an app for that!” Of course there are apps out there for your swimming pool. There are apps for everything; and new ones being developed and made available for iDevices and Droid phones as I type this blog post.

App Development continues to grow and new apps are now available for pool owners, operators, lifeguards, service technicians and even competitive swimmers and coaches. Apps have begun to change the way we use and take care of our swimming pools.

The following apps are for Droid and IOS (phone/pod/pad) users. For more information on the swimming pool apps, search the Apple app store or

Apps for Cool Pool People:

Swim University:

This app has ample information from buying post to online content, and streamlined the process of distribution to allow for fast searching, answering questions about pools, and catching up on pool news. (Free)


Use the camera on your smartphone to photograph any swimming pool test strip.  HowsMyWater eliminates color matching, then automatically saves your data and provides customized treatments. This improves the accuracy of your chemical testing and tracks the trends of your pool water. ($5.99)

Pool Doctor:

Use your smartphone to calculate pool volume, and water balance parameters for chlorine or salt pools. This app provides best practices in making pool chemical adjustments. The interface is extremely user-friendly. Tech support is available as well. ($1.99)


This app is for the people who want to stay on top of international pool news. (Free)