Save Money Around the Pool This Summer

In this economy, everyone is interested in saving money. Here are a few tips to help you cut costs surrounding your above ground swimming pool this summer.



  • Avoid completely draining your pool, if possible, or (if need be) drain and refill only a portion of the pool water.
  • Change your filter. Cartridge filters are not backwashed. They use less than 25% of the water needed to backwash a pool filter.
  • Solar Covers. These help reduce evaporation loss. Some pools can lose 1/4″ each day.


  • Run your filter pump less. Reduce the pump until the pool water is cloudy, then increase your run time on your filter four hours per day.


  • Cyanuric Acid will help stabilize your chlorine, acting as “sun block.”
  • Salt systems reduce tablet production and storage.
  • Balanced pool water, and a lower pH will help save on chlorine.
  • Algae problems? Try a phosphate remover chemical to reduce chlorine demand.

Following these tips can help you save BIG this summer on the costs of your above ground pool. Taking these measures and daily observance of your pool’s needs will be the key to good budgeting for your pool this summer. Let’s face it, the more you save, the more you can relax and enjoy your swimming pool this summer.