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Swimming Pool Myths Debunked

A lot of misinformation exists regarding swimming pools. People still believe that swimming pools are expensive to operate, but today’s models make having a swimming pool affordable to all. Read on to discover the truth about common misconceptions regarding swimming, the water, and the costs of owning a pool.

Myth 1: It costs too much to install a pool.

A pool isn’t as expensive as you might think. Many types of pools exist now, from the very affordable to the very expensive. Of course, additional features and extra landscaping will increase the price.

Keep in mind that a pool has many benefits that make it worth the investment. Besides the inherent fun, a pool provides a great way to exercise and gives you a place to escape, either for the evening or for a “staycation.”

Myth 2: My house value won’t increase.inground 51

Many variables contribute to determining a property’s value. Some of those you can’t control. What you can do is make your home the most appealing choice for potential buyers. If you live in a warm region, adding a pool could be the extra that induces a buyer to choose your house over a competitor.

Myth 3: You Must Wait an Hour After Eating to Swim

You may recall hearing this myth when you were young, with admonitions that doing it could give you cramps or make you drown. It’s a common fact people just know. Ask them where they learned that and they’ll probably say, “I learned it as a kid.”

No scientific studies exist that support this “fact.” Cramps can happen anytime, even if you waited several hours before jumping in. Be sure to point this out to the next person you hear espousing this “well-known fact.”

Myth 4: What You’re Smelling Is Chlorine

Everyone knows the smell of a pool, that somewhat unpleasant odor we call chlorine. However, that smell doesn’t come from the chemical. Chloramines, formed when the chlorine in the water mixes with organic substances (like your body oil or sweat), are the culprit. That indoor pool may sound nice, but if it’s not ventilated, there are health issues to be wary of.

Myth 5: Chlorine Kills Everything in the Pool

While chlorine does kill some bacteria, and it helps prevent the spread of some waterborne diseases, don’t count on it to stop them all. Recreational water illnesses caused by the cryptosporidium parasite exist at such high levels in public pools that chlorine can’t stop them. Help the chemical out and take that pre-swim shower!

Myth 6: Chlorine Burns Your Eyes Underwater

Another problem blamed on chlorine. The actual culprit lies in the water chemistry, specifically acidic water with a low pH, a common problem after excessive rain. Toss in some baking soda  to fix the problem.